Beauty Sleep Remedies
Restful sleep is the best thing you can give your body.
I don't care how glamorous some of those
hollywood celbs look in their 10, 20, 100 thousand dollar dresses
if they are sleep deprived because of those all night parties,
it will catch up with them and speed up the aging process!
I also read in an article that not getting enough rest can actually
contribute to weight problems;
well that is all I needed to know to go grab my pillow!
(Who am I to argue with nature?)
But if lying down in bed
is not enough to bring on the shut eye,
here are a few remedies that don't include counting sheep:
1. No Caffine (Duh!), but even that Frapuchinno
with whipped cream from Starbucks can
keep you up way past your bedtime!
Instead, have a cup of chamomile tea!
2. Put a 1 or 2 drops of Lavender or
Roman Chamomile essential oil on your pillow
just before you put your head on it.
3. You can whip up this simple sleep balm
By Stephanie Tourles
1/4 cup of all vegetable shortening (room temperature)
10 Drops of Orange Essential Oil
2 Drops of Ylang-Ylang Essential Oil
1 Drop of Vanilla Essential Oil
Combine ingredients in a small glass bowl,
blending with a spatula or whisk.
Apply to temple area just prior to bed time
Store in a 2 oz glass or plastic Jar in a dry cool place
( it has a 3-4 month shelf life)
This remedy is safe enough to calm fussiest of babies
(And the adult ones too!)
Go to sleep my baby close your pretty eyes.
Angels up above you looking at you dearie from the skies.
Great big moon a shinin come now don't you cry,
Time for little ones to go to sleep
Go to sleep my baby close your pretty eyes,
Sandman is a comin time to say goodnight