Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Mr. Hubba Hubba of the Month

The Nicolas Brothers

Today's dancers could take a few cues from these masters of movement. They were the amazing Nicolas brothers.  Fayard (19142006) and Harold (19212000) were as facinating duo to watch. Flash dancing a highly acrobatic technique that requires high level of artistry and daring innovations was their specailty.They were considered by many the greatest tap dancers of their day. Growing up surrounded by Vaudeville acts as children, they became stars of the jazz circuit during the heyday of the Harlem Renaissance and went on to have successful careers performing on stage, film, and television well into the 1990s. They had fans in every generation including the late Michael Jackson and his brothers.  Although they have earned their wings, Fayard and Nicolas' fans will always remember them through their stage performances and film. Two hubba hubbas for the price of one this month.

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